Cheatin' Wheat Gluten Free Baking Blog

Your go-to resource for all things gluten-free

June 06, 2013
By kathy
Like many families, we contend with multiple allergies in my house. Between myself and my kids, we avoid both gluten and dairy, which I think is fairly common....Read more
gluten free banana muffin ingredients
May 22, 2013
By lexie
Both Kathy and I know what it is like to have multiple food allergies in the same household....Read more
is malt vinegar gluten free?
May 14, 2013
By lexie
Vinegar can be a touchy subject for those who practice a gluten free diet....Read more
types of vinegar
May 14, 2013
By lexie
Cooks use vinegar to make pickles, de-glaze pans, marinate meats, add tang to vinaigrettes, bring zip to sauces and even to liven up desserts....Read more
May 06, 2013
By lexie
Ok, let me just say I wish my pantry looked like the picture. Mine doesn't and chances are your's doesn't either....Read more